"Harnessing the Science of Fisheries for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood"

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Bachelor of Fisheries Science


I Semester

Sl.No. CourseNo. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-101 Principles of Aquaculture 2 (1+1)
2 FS-102 Anatomy and Biology of Finfish 3 (2+1)
3 FS-103 Taxonomy of Finfish 3 (1+2)
4 FS-104 Meteorology, Climatology and Disaster Management 3 (2+1)
5 FS-105 Statistical Methods 3 (2+1)
6 FS-106 Fundamentals of Biochemistry 3 (2+1)
7 FS-107 Fundamentals of Microbiology 3 (2+1)
8 FS-108 Soil and Water Chemistry 3 (2+1)
9 FS-109 * Swimming 1 (0+1)
Total 24 (14+10)

*CNC= Compulsory Non-credit Course.

II Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-110 Freshwater Aquaculture 3 (2+1)
2 FS-111 Aquaculture in Reservoirs 2 (1+1)
3 FS-112 Taxonomy of Shellfish 3 (2+1)
4 FS-113 Anatomy and Biology of Shellfish 3 (2+1)
5 FS-114 Inland Fisheries 3 (2+1)
6 FS-115 Limnology 3 (2+1)
7 FS-116 Marine Biology 2 (1+1)
8 FS-117 Food Chemistry and Fish in Nutrition 2 (1+1)
9 FS-118 Information and Communication Technology 2 (1+1)
10 FS-119 * Physical Education, First Aid & Yoga Practices 1 (0+1) CNC*
    Total 24 (14+10)

*CNC= Compulsory Non-credit Course

III Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-201 Ornamental Fish Production and Management 2 (1+1)
2 FS-202 Fish Food Organisms 3 (2+1)
3 FS-203 Fish Immunology 2 (1+1)
4 FS-204 Marine Fisheries 2 (1+1)
5 FS-205 Aquatic Ecology and Biodiversity 3 (2+1)
6 FS-206 Freezing Technology 3 (2+1)
7 FS-207 Refrigeration and Equipment Engineering 2 (1+1)
8 FS-208 Fisheries Extension Education and Personality Development 3 (2+1)
9 FS-209 Fisheries Economics 3 (2+1)
Total 23 (14+9)

IV Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-210 Coastal Aquaculture and Mariculture 3 (2+1)
2 FS-211 Genetics and Breeding 3 (2+1)
3 FS-212 Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology 2 (1+1)
4 FS-213 Fish and Shellfish Pathology 2 (1+1)
5 FS-214 Physiology of Finfish and Shellfish 2 (1+1)
6 FS-215 Fishery Oceanography 3 (2+1)
7 FS-216 Aquatic Pollution and Coastal Zone Management 2 (1+1)
8 FS-217 Fish Canning Technology 3 (2+1)
9 FS-218 Fishing Gear Technology 3 (2+1)
    Total 23 (14+9)

V Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-301 Finfish Hatchery Management 3 (2+1)
2 FS-302 Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioinformatics 3 (2+1)
3 FS-303 Pharmacology 2 (1+1)
4 FS-304 Fish Toxicology 3 (2+1)
5 FS-305 Fish Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment 3 (2+1)
6 FS-306 Fish By-Products and Waste Utilization 2 (1+1)
7 FS-307 Microbiology of Fish and Fishery Products 2 (1+1)
8 FS-308 Aquaculture Engineering 3 (2+1)
4 FS-309 Fishing Craft Technology 3 (2+1)
Total 24 (15+9)

IV Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-310 Shellfish Hatchery Management 2 (1+1)
2 FS-311 Microbial and Parasitic Diseases of Fish and Shellfish 2 (2+0)
3 FS-312 Therapeutics in Aquaculture > 2 (1+1)
4 FS-313 Fish Products and Value Addition 2 (1+1)
5 FS-314 Fish Packaging Technology 2 (1+1)
6 FS-315 Quality assurance of Fish and Fishery Products 3 (2+1)
7 FS-316 Fishing Technology 3 (2+1)
8 FS-317 Navigation and Seamanship 3 (2+1)
9 FS-318 Fisheries Administration and Entrepreneurship Development 3 (2+1)
10 FS-319 Fisheries Co-operatives, Marketing and Business Management 2 (1+1)
    Total 24 (15+9)

VII Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-401 Student READY Programme 2 (1+1)
a) In-plant attachment (for 8 weeks) 10 (0 + 10)
b) Rural Fisheries Work Experience Prog. (for 8 weeks) 8 (0 + 8)
c) Study Tour (in and outside State) (for 4 weeks) 2 (0 + 2)
    Total 20 (0 + 20)

VIII Semester

Sl.No. Course No. Course Title Credit Hour
1 FS-402 Student READY Programme 2 (1+1)
Skill Development (for one week) 5 (0 + 5)
Experiential Learning Programme 12 (0 + 12)
Project Work 2 (0 + 2)
Seminar 1 (0 + 1)
    Total 20 (0+20)

As per the guidelines of the ICAR students have to undertake a minimum of two of the five components prescribed (in addition to study tour). The credit load could be adjusted for a total of 20 per semester. Further, the ELP could be opted either in VII or VIII semester to facilitate continuous operation of any enterprise.


Sl. No. Particulars No. of courses Credit Load
 1 Courses 56 140 (86+54)
  2 Student READY In-Plant Attachment Programme 1 10 (0+10)
3 Student READY Rural Fisheries Work Experience Programme 1 8 (0+8)
4 Study Tour (in and outside State) 1 2 (0+2)
5 Student READY Experiential Module 1 17 (0+17)
 6 Project Work 1 2 (0+2)
7 Seminar 1 1 (0+1)
  Total    180 (86+94)