"Harnessing the Science of Fisheries for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood"

krishnagiri - Barur Centre for Substainable Aquaculture

Announcements - Temporary vacancies are available in the World Bank Funded TN-IAMP Scheme on “Development and management of pure line inland fish brooders in the brooder farm and production of good quality seeds.

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Krishnagiri – Barur Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture is a Tilapia seed production farm located at Barur, Krishnagiri District. The Centre is exclusively working on new tilapia strain development, tilapia breeding techniques, tilapia seed production, tilapia all male seed production with low cost technologies and low cost feed for tilapia. The Centre has 16 earthen ponds, including two reservoirs, located in a land extent of 12.5 acres (5 ha). These excellent field facilities provide opportunities for conducting research on tilapia farming and seed production by PG and PhD scholars and faculty staff. Presently, the Centre is producing all male seeds of Red and GIFT strains of tilapia. The Centre also provides technical guidance and technical services to fish farmers. Periodically training and awareness programmes on various aspects of aquaculture are being conducted to the benefit of the fish farmers of Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Salem, Tirupathur, Vellore, Thiruvannamalai and other adjoining districts.


  • To undertake genetic upgradation of tilapia to evolve a hybrid or strain of improved quality.
  • To study the genetic diversity of different populations of tilapia in Tamil Nadu.
  • Production and supply of genetically improved and all male tilapia fingerlings to the farmers.
  • Technical assistance to the farmers for setting up tilapia farming units
  • To study the economic improvement of farmers adopting genetically improved tilapia culture.

Research Projects:

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl.No Title of the Project Year Fund (in lakh) Funding Agency
1 Development of new strain for in land fish farm 2017 - 23 40.33 World Bank – TN IAMP
2 Livelihood Improvement through Technology backed backyard genetically improved farmed Tilapia 2018-19 15.67 SBGF, SDPC Govt. of TN
3 Establishment of “Aquaponics Technology Park” for the production of multiple vegetable crops by Recirculating fish culture water in the water limited area of Barur, Krishnagiri District. 2020 - 21 198.00 NADP – Govt. of TN
4 Hatchery component (Tilapia Entrepreneurial Park Development for Industrialization of Tilapia Culture in Palaar Porandalar Dam (Dindugal Dt) 2020 - 23 21.00 TANII
5 Upgrading Sustainable Aquaculture Production Centre so of TNJFU for operation through Private-Public Partnership for Integrated Agriculture Development 2019 - 20 33.50 NADP – Govt. of TN

Completed Research Projects:

Sl.No Title of the Project Year Fund (in lakh) Funding Agency
1 Establishment of Regional fisheries research and extension centre in Barur, Krishnagiri District 2014 - 15 121.04 NADP
2 To adopt foldscope as tool to study the diversity of fish parasites and microalgae different aquaculture systems 2018 - 19 6.0 DBT

Current Focus

  • Development of Tilapia seed production technology.
  • Development of hybrid tilapia or strain of higher quality.


Sl.No Name Designation E-mail Id Mobile
1 Dr. Somu Sunder Lingam. R Assistant Professor somusunderlingam@tnfu.ac.in 8675858384
2 Mr. Seba Bharathi. S Fishery Assistant sebabharathi@gmail.com 9715278354

Research Students in the Centre:

Sl. No Name of the Student Dissertation Topic Guide
1 Mr. Rameshwar Bhosle Evaluation of hormone by enriched live-feeds in the all male production of hybrid tilapia (Red strain) Dr. J. Stephen Sampath Kumar
KBCeSA Tilapia Hatchery
All Male Tilapia Production Unit

Contact Details:

Tilapia Research Centre,

Pungampatti Village,
Pochampalli Tk,
Krishnagiri district – 635 201,
Tamil Nadu.