Unit – I
Fish Farm- Definition, objectives, types of farms; fresh water, brackish water and marine farms. Selection of site for aqua farm- site selection criteria, pre-investment survey viz., accessibility, physical features of the ground, detailed survey viz., site condition, topography, soil characteristics. Land Surveying- definition, principles of surveying, classification of surveying, instruments used for chaining, chaining on uneven or sloping ground and error due the incorrect chain length. Chain surveying- definitions, instruments used for setting out right angles, basic problems in chaining, cross staff survey. Compass surveying - definitions, bearing, meridians, whole circle bearing system, reduced bearing system, theory of magnetic compass, prismatic compass.
Unit – II
Leveling - definitions, methods of leveling, leveling instruments, terms and abbreviations, types of spirit leveling. Plane table surveying- instruments required, working operation, methods. Contour surveying- definition, contour interval, characteristics of contour, contouring methods and uses of contour. Calculation of area of regular and irregular plane surfaces, Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule, volume of regular and irregular shape as applied to stacks and heaps, calculation of volume of pond. Earth work calculations- excavation, embankment, longitudinal slope and cross slope, calculation of volume of earth work as applied to roads and channels.
Unit – III
Soil and its properties- classification of soil; soil sampling methods; three phase system of soil, definitions of soil properties and permeability of soil. Ponds - classification of ponds; excavated ponds, embankment ponds, barrage and diversion ponds; rosary system and parallel system. Planning of fish ponds, layout planning, materials planning, manual planning, comparison of square and rectangular ponds, large and small ponds; Types of ponds; nursing ponds, rearing ponds and stocking ponds. Design of ponds, pond geometry; shape, size, bottom slope of pond etc., construction ponds viz., marking, excavation etc., Dykes, types of dykes viz., peripheral dykes, secondary dyke, design of dykes, construction of dykes.
Unit – IV
Water distribution system- canal, types of canals; feeder canal, diversion canal etc., Pipe line system, Water control structures- types of inlet and out let and their construction. Water budget equation, Pond drainage system; seepage and the methods used for seepage control, evaporation; factors affecting evaporation, erosion of soil in dykes and its control. Site selection, planning and construction of coastal aqua farms. Brackish water fish farms- tide fed, pump fed farms, site selection - topography, tidal amplitude, soil and water sources etc.,
Unit – V
Hatcheries - site selection, infrastructural facilities; water supply system, main hatchery complex viz., Layout plan and design of hatcheries- brood stock ponds, artemia hatching tanks, sheds etc, Raceway culture system- site selection, layout plan, types of raceway culture system viz., parallel system, series system etc., Aerators- principles, classification of aerators and placement aerators. Pumps- purpose of pumping, types, selection of pump, total head, horse power calculation. Filters- types and constructions.